We accept order cancellation before the product leaves the factory or ships. If the order is cancelled, you will get a full refund. If the product has already been shipped, we cannot cancel the order.



We accept product returns. The customer has the right to apply for a return within 60 days after receiving the product. Please contact our customer service at to obtain the return address.

To qualify for a return, your item must be unused and in the same state as the item you received. It must also be in the original packaging. In order to complete your return, we need a receipt or proof of purchase. Please do not return your purchase to the manufacturer.

At most, only one shipping fee (including return) is charged to the customer; for returned products, no purchase fee is charged to the consumer.



1. After receiving and checking your return, we will send you a receipt notification via email. We will also notify you to approve or reject the refund. If you are approved, your refund will be processed and the credit limit will be automatically applied to your credit card or original payment method within 7 business days.

 2. If you have not received a refund, please check your bank account again first. Please note it can take some time for your bank or credit card company to process and post the refund too.

If more than 15 business days have passed since we've approved your return, please contact us at

3.GOVERNING LAW-These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Italy.


Registration number: MB-2591094

Address: AGRATE BRIANZA(MB) VIA INDUSTRIE 86 CAP 20864 Italy(This is not a returning address)